Friday, July 22, 2011


We will get to the title of the post in a second. Usually I would say most days I start at 10:45 AM would not end up being a extremely busy day, today however was. I almost immediately went out to get the kittens more things (I.E. Kitten food, an actual litter box, toys and something to scratch that is not my hand) Today even though I have held Oreo a couple of times was the first time I held all three kittens. Tabby and black kitten (maybe bear? Neo? Vader?) were both held with a towel around them a couple of times today. The last time the towel was a little looser and they seemed o be more relaxed. I also had two kittens, Tabby and Oreo, eat baby food off of my hand still working on bear/neo/vader to eat from the spoon but I know have new found hope for all three of them. Also Oreo was on my lap and seemed to be very relaxed, in fact four people held him today.

Also a glamor shot of him from yesterdays trip:

And him and his siblings getting use to their new home:

We also found out that not surprisingly they all have fleas but since we don't know their age its almost impossible for us to do anything about them until next week.

I also promised pictures of all the kittens from last summer. Anyone who hasn't seen them I have an album on facebook dedicated to them so check it out.

My KK (use to be Kaylee Kitten but obviously now Kaylee Kitty)

Parker with her odd meow
 Our Sophie
 Oz (not owned by my family)
 Sheila (also not owned by us)
And our Tunapiglet (or as everyone else who is no fun calls her Harley)

Other than that I took some fun shots with my camera today.

Ah so you want to know about Hippy Bathday? Its my sisters birthday today so we went out to get the candles you can spell "happy birthday" with. I decided it was boring so one of my brothers my mother and I decided to jumble of the letters. Honorable mention to Hippy Barday.

Don't believe me?

Other than that I think Puck explained how I felt most of the day.

Less pictures tomorrow I promise!

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