Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Dog fight.

No don't worry I'm not here to say that I'm like Michael Vick and have a dog fighting ring in my non existent basement. Yuki (our Pembroke Welsh Corgi) and a dog who has been living here for a little while now have been getting into fights. Not sit and bark at each other but full on teeth showing try to rip your throat out fights. Sadly this puts the humans into harms way which is just no fun as well as giving all of us headaches from the barking that follows for the next twenty minutes. We believe to have come up with a plan so hopefully thats the last time we have to deal with those bitches (cause they are both female dogs!)

Today we finally put Moony into the bathroom by himself and gave him some extra time with us. Oreo and Ty were pretty none visible today which has got me worried. I'm worried that maybe we stop spending as much time with them as they needed so tomorrow we are putting all three into the bathroom and giving them all a lot of human time. I also put baby food on a plate today and found where the two kittens who were out were hiding. I placed the plate near them and when they ate a little but I would drag it a little closer to me. Oreo at first wasn't sure what I was doing and was a little scared when I first tried to pet him, after a while though he seemed to calm down and enjoy the food. One he had ate about half of it I decided it was time to give Ty a chance. Again he wasn't sure what I was doing and never got close enough for me to pet. I did get his head out from under the nightstand though. This once again shows how the three of them are in such different points on the "socialized scale". Oreo though not entirely happy with it was okay when I petted him. Ty wouldn't get to close to me and Moony (who I did not do this with ) still hisses and swipes at me. I probably need to spend more time with them then I have the past two days and will try tomorrow. I have a lot of stuff I need to do with my car but I will put aside times go visit them. They are making strides but that doesn't mean I can relax just yet. Thats something I am learning.

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